„We have to be on our toes
where the standards are concerned.“

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Stefan F. is the head of MOLL’s documentation department. Together with his team, he is in charge of ensuring compliance with the machinery directive as is required by law, and any customer specifications. It’s a responsible and versatile task.

„From the machinery directive to customer specifications.”

Moll Abteilungsleiter Dokumentation

Every machine and every single conveyor element we develop for our customers is subject to precise specifications, e.g., regarding dimensions or required safety distances. The machinery directive is the legal basis for this and supported by standards. There also are some customer-specific specifications to be considered.

Together with my team, I am keeping an eye on ensuring that all of these rules are strictly complied with and documented comprehensibly. This is the only way to ensure smooth operation of the plant or machine.

Only then will the machines receive the desired CE marking, which proves that their design complies with the standards.

„Documentation is an interesting field.”

Documentation may sound a little… unspectacular at first glance. It certainly is not – at least not for us at Moll. Our tasks cover everything from risk assessment and technical documentation to the preparation of operating and maintenance manuals. Of course, staff need all of this to know how to handle and operate the machines we build. We also provide spare parts lists that are required to compile matching spare parts kits for the customers to keep in stock to replace parts at need. Finally, we engage in close exchange with our colleagues from the design department. We need to have many skills at once: Attention to detail, communication skills – and being able to keep a cool head, in particular in stressful times. We have great team spirit here at MOLL!

„Technical understanding is the be-all and end-all.”

I grew up around here. Of course, people know that MOLL is an attractive employer. I originally trained as an industrial mechanic, before going on to become a mechanical engineer. That’s also how I got into technical documentation. My job requires knowing precisely what the machine does, how it’s built, what functional processes it uses. Things keep changing, too, since machine development never stops. This is particularly evident in the automotive sector, for which we work a lot. Plenty has happened in the course of electrification. Vehicles are growing larger and heavier – not least due to their heavy battery blocks. This in turn affects safety distances and braking distance lengths. All of this knowledge is required when developing and implementing conveyor systems. Of course, you also need to be able to document the processes. This means that I, or rather, we as a team, never run out of work. Further training just is part of it all! That is great because it’s also an opportunity for us to develop both personally and professionally. Once again, I have my employer’s full support.
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