“Further training is
the key to success for me.”

ROFA Jobs - Persönlichkeiten

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Sebastian W. is Deputy Production Manager and has already been with the company for 18 years. The 34-year-old started out as a mechanical engineering apprentice, and through many intermediate stages, he gradually developed from craftsmanship into organization, planning, and leadership. He was instrumental in setting up and structuring the highly successful field of job order production.
Sebastian W. - Führungskraft MOLL

"Our high degree of vertical integration distinguishes us."

In my position, together with my colleague, I am responsible for all steps from the moment of handover, through design, to the shipping of the pre-assembled components. Our big advantage here at MOLL is a comprehensive machine park spread over several halls, which allows us to offer a 100% individual solution for each customer. Due to our high level of vertical integration, we are particularly strong in special purpose machinery. Such special solutions are needed, for example, for “weddings” in the automotive industry. This is the most sensitive moment when powertrain and body are brought together. About 50% of all MOLL employees work in production. This shows how significant the area is for us.

“After a sporting accident, new opportunities opened up.”

I started my career as an employee in the hall. After a soccer accident resulting in a dislocated shoulder in 2008, physical work was off-limits for the time being. But I did not want to be forced to do nothing for six months, so I started working in the office, in the work preparation department. It was a time of intensive training for me. In addition to the industrial master metal worker program, I completed the REFA basic training and a quality manager training, all between 2007 and 2009. So I grew into process planning and work organization, and ultimately also in management responsibility. When the job order production department was set up, I went to management and said: This is exactly mine! I know our machinery, I know our employees. I know where, when, and which experts are free to retrieve projects for us. This is still a focus of mine today.
Sebastian W. - Führungskraft MOLL

"We have a friendly-collegial atmosphere here."

Through my many years at MOLL, I am well connected in the company at all levels. I have the same trustful relationship with the management as with the masters and employees in the hall, as well as friendships in private life. We have a low turnover, which speaks for our working environment. When I look at the figures, around 20% of the production employees are trainees. This shows that we are an attractive employer in the region. Employees frequently recommend their children to train at MOLL. So we are a “family business” in the very best sense!
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