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Marion B., 34, is a HR Administrator at MOLL Automatisierung GmbH. At the end of 2016, she became the mother of twins, a boy and a girl – “jackpot,” as she herself says. Quick re-entry as early as during parental leave was important to her to stay up to date in her job. Her employer’s approach paved the way.
Elternzeit Moll

"My bosses showed themselves to be very flexible."

When I became a mom at the end of 2016, I first took a good year off as parental leave, but then I went back to work because I just always liked the job. My boss in the department gave me exactly the model I wanted. I work two half days in the afternoon, ten hours in total per week. While I’m working, my mom takes care of the twins, my husband helps a lot at the weekends. We are also keen to still have our time together as a couple, that is important to us.

"We work hand in hand."

In Human Resources, we handle payroll, contract preparation for new employees, insurance matters, or internal company statistics. We organize upcoming jobs very flexibly, so the transfer to me is really very straightforward. If there is a lot to do, I’ll come in for an extra half day. Conversely, I have the freedom to exchange the working days. There is a relaxed, trusting atmosphere here.
Industriekauffrau Moll

"I've been here since 2009 - and am completely satisfied!"

As a trained industrial clerk, I came to my personal employment via a training as a HR specialist at IHK. Before MOLL, I was employed by a forwarding company in the HR office, but there was no opportunity for further development. Of course, I already knew of MOLL as a mechanical engineering company from the region; my brother had completed his training there. Then, when I read the job ad from MOLL in a newspaper, I thought to myself: This is your chance! I am really 100% satisfied and can well imagine increasing my working time again – but not until the twins are in kindergarten next fall.
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