„Full support
or my second training.“

ROFA Jobs - Persönlichkeiten
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Thomas W., IT-Administration ROFA AG. It was clear to Thomas W. right from the start that he wanted to do something in the technological professional field. And also that he wanted to stay in the Kolbermoor area, where he grew up. In 2013 he started a traineeship as an electronics technician for devices and systems at ROFA AG and successfully completed it. But his interest in computer science became stronger and stronger. He then decided to become a trainee again.

"I was fully integrated from the beginning."

During my first traineeship as an electronics technician I was already firmly integrated in the projects. My former training officer took me under his wing before I began working increasingly independently. In terms of the workflow, we take over the electrical circuit diagrams from our colleagues in control engineering and then implement them, from construction through testing to delivery. Prototypes are extensively tested by us in our application facility before they are delivered to the customer. Everything should work perfectly! For my final thesis at the vocational school in Rosenheim, I also decided on a project from the company. It was about a completely new control solution for a large customer, which is still in use today. All the other controls in the plant were also built according to this model.

"Computer science is a new, exciting subject."

Even though I enjoyed my first apprenticeship very much, I wanted to have a more IT-related role. The administration team at ROFA immediately gave me full support if I wanted to start training as an IT specialist afterwards. Now I am in my second year of the apprenticeship and it is quite demanding, but I like that. I am in a small team and together with my colleagues I take care of the ROFA company network. For example, I’m responsible for setting up new IT staff and providing ongoing user support. I am also regularly assigned projects, which I work on independently.
Elektroniker Steuerungsbau - Rosenheim
System- und Netzwerkadministrator

"I already have concrete plans for the future."

When the training is finished next year, I would like to start here as a system and network administrator. There’s a good chance I’ll be able to acquire the position. In general, the prospects for trainees here at ROFA are really good. The fact that many take advantage of this opportunity is certainly also due to the collegial atmosphere. The team spirit is great. I’ve made a lot of friends in the last six years and feel very comfortable. When I look back, I have to smile. I was quite shy at the beginning, but I gained more confidence in the first years of the apprenticeship. I can already say that I have developed my expertise as well as my personal skills.


Editor’s note:

Thomas W. is now a permanent staff member of the IT-department and an important contact person for all IT-concerns  at ROFA

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