I’m counting on
the future of my education.

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Education and training

Jan S., 22, has completed his mechatronics training at MLR System GmbH and is currently undergoing training as an automation technician. From time to time, he had also thought about studying, but he loves the practice. Here, on the other hand, he is fascinated by the world of Industry 4.0, which combines mechanical and control components.

"I did my first internship at the age of 15."

I already did an internship at MLR during secondary school. At the time, I helped out with simple warehouse work, but the world of driverless transport systems immediately fascinated me. So I came back after graduating from school to begin my apprenticeship as a mechatronics engineer. Part of this time I also worked for a partner company, which was also exciting. I liked the whole vibe more at MLR, so I stayed here after the training.

"I was already working abroad."

After mechatronics, I went into so-called commissioning. There, prototypes are checked for their functionality. You get specifications and then have to check in the hall, if the vehicle meets the customer requirements 100%. For example, whether all the sensors work, whether the load pickup works smoothly and much more. If there are defects, they are documented. Then the design or control department has to go through it again before the vehicle is really produced and delivered. I was also allowed to accompany the final commissioning on site with a customer in Hungary. A particular strength of MLR lies in the field of hospitals, where we develop the automated guided vehicle systems (AGVs) that are completely made of stainless steel and have to transport both sensitive and expensive medical devices, which are very special requirements.

"I enjoy a lot of flexibility with MLR."

At the moment I am completely focused on the automation technician training, because I want to complete it as quickly as possible. During the holidays, however, I want to earn a bit extra, because I come back to MLR. The company is very flexible. There are also already plans for after the automation technician training. My boss has promised me a project management role. Of course that makes me happy, because it shows that MLR believes in me. But one after another! Next year, first of all, the final thesis is due.
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