“Actually, I didn’t have the United States
on my agenda at all.”

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Alexander P., a trained electrical engineer with professional experience, joined ROFA AG in 2013 in Kolbermoor. He would never had guessed that one day he would settle down in South Carolina. Today, the native of Upper Bavaria is married in the USA and, as Chief Operating Officer for ROFA NORTH AMERICA INC., is responsible for the project business there.

ROFA USA - Chief Operating Officer

"Traveling was part of my job from the beginning."

I was deployed right at the start of my job on a major project in Alabama. After an intensive training period, I took over the lead from the former project manager. During this time I always spent a few weeks in Bavaria and a few weeks in the USA. First I had to get used to the southern accent! But that happened quickly, especially after 2016, when I settled down in the states as part of another project.

"German engineering is highly regarded."

As Chief Operating Officer, I am responsible for the overall success of every project, and I am in charge of the technical and economic aspects. I am also the interface between local customers on site and colleagues in Germany and Europe. A large part of the design and manufacturing takes place in Germany, because “German Engineering” is important to our predominantly German automotive customers. This quality work is not always easy to find in the USA.
ROFA USA - Chief Operating Officer

"Every project is multinational."

I am in daily contact with my colleagues from Germany and Europe in order to advance projects. For me this means getting up early to have more overlap with the Europeans. My working day often starts as early as six o’clock. But that’s okay. We also work on holidays and weekends when our customers’ production facilities are at a standstill, since only then can we make changes to them.

“What’s important to me: having fun at work.“

A lot of people are already in a bad mood on Sunday nights when they think about Monday. That’s not at all the case for me! And I think that’s also true for most of my colleagues in the company. We have flat hierarchies, and employees can quickly distinguish themselves with their own initiative. Whoever wants to make his way gets the chance. Especially with regard to the USA, I can say that we have very good employment contracts that are based on European standards. Paid leave, continued payment in the event of illness – that’s what most people dream of here.

I am not thinking of returning to Germany anytime soon. I have built my life here, and the environment and nature are simply great. There are many state parks, lakes and mountains. They are not like the Alps, in terms of the height, but they do give me a little feeling of home!

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