During your studies you will find out,
where your journey will take you.

Combine your knowledge with the practical opportunities we offer you as a fast-growing industrial company!
We cooperate with universities in the region and offer students from various disciplines the option of completing their internship at ROFA-LEHMER as part of a work/study program. The focus is on mechanical engineering, mechanics, industrial engineering, electrical engineering and business administration.

We also have experience in assisting in final theses:
We are looking forward to your ideas and paving the way to your future success!

Say hello
to the future!

Are a student in the region and want to do a trial day as an intern? Then come to ROFA-LEHMER!
You will get to know the daily work in a successful medium-sized company and gain insight into an exciting working environment. Perhaps this will be a first step toward a future career choice? Everything is possible.

Still have questions? We’d love to hear them!
Irina Köppl
Human Resources Management ROFA-LEHMER GmbH
Keep reading!
Here are the personal interviews with our employees.
Irina Köpp- Personalmanagement ROFA-LEHMER GmbH
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